Enter and view: Ringmead Medical Practice

27 patients were asked two questions – what was good about the surgery and what could be improved - allowing them to give feedback on the surgery beyond the scope of the questions already asked in the survey.

Partial Summary of findings

At the time of our visit, the evidence is that:

  • All of the patients we spoke to on the visit and who completed the survey online were over 25 and 70% were over 50; this may explain the high rate of self-declared disability or long term health condition (81.5%)
  • On the day of our visit, 92% patients were seen within 10 minutes of their appointment time. However 2 patients had a longer wait – 1 waiting 35 minutes. Waiting times has been highlighted as an area of concern by some patients.
  • The majority of patients are happy with the quality of the care and treatment they receive.
  • There is some feedback to suggest this level of satisfaction and continuity of care is diminished due to difficulties accessing GP of choice/named GP.
  • In September 2015 the surgery introduced a new triage system for those requesting urgent/same day appointments. This involves receptionists. There have been concerns raised by patients about this.
  • The surgery is fully accessible for patients with mobility issues but the accessible reception desk is not kept clear.

Partial Summary of Recommendations

  • Despite some patients having to wait for over half an hour, the majority of patients are seen within 10 minutes of their appointment time. As covered by a response from the practice to an NHS Choices review about this issue, there is little that can be done to rectify this but it could communicate with patients about unexpected waiting times via the television screen.
  • Concerns have been raised about continuity of care and triage since the new system was introduced in September 2015. However the new system has had positive impacts on appointment accessibility - particularly for those who require same day treatment. Healthwatch Bracknell Forest recommends that once the system is embedded, further patient feedback is gathered (maybe utilising the Patient Survey).
  • The accessible area of the reception desk should be kept clear (removal of leaflets etc.)
  • To encourage patients who want to book in at reception to use the electronic booking in system instead and offer support where necessary.
  • To promote collection of Friends and Family data.
  • To change the colour scheme of the website and expand the accessibility statement.


To read methodology of the Enter & View, results, full findings, recommendations and service provider response please download the report. 

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