Our Enter and View role is different to an inspection. We focus on what it is like for people receiving care. We provide extra eyes and ears, especially for the most isolated and vulnerable. Visiting places where people receive care is a powerful way for us to hear directly from individuals about their experiences of services. what is working well with services and where they could be improved.

How does it work?

  1. We arrange a visit with the service and read background information on it.
  2. On an agreed date, our trained volunteers, and staff (authorised representatives) spend time at the location, talking to people receiving care as well as those providing it.
  3. We write a report on what our authorised representatives have seen and heard.
  4. We publish the report on this web page and share it with the organisations involved, as well as the CQC and Healthwatch England.

Our Enter and View Team

All our Enter and View authorised representatives must be trained and undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before making any visits.

Healthwatch East Berkshire Volunteering and Enter and View Lead

Ann Brosnan


Enter and View staff are:

Joanna Dixon

Nicholas Durman

Shahanaz Uddin

Ann Brosnan

Catherine Williams

Enter and View authorised representatives are:

Misbah Latif

Dermot O’Brien

Gwenda Lilley

Jane Figg

Mike Butcher

Kevin Barry 

Charlotte Evans

Zhora Jefferies

Dolly Bhaskaran