Make a difference to Bracknell Forest - Become a Healthwatch BF Board Member

Are you passionate about health and care? Do you want to see services meet the needs of those who use them?
Healthwatch Bracknell Forest, your local champion for health and social care, is looking for new voluntary Board Members for our local leadership board.
As a Board Member, you will have a responsibility for contributing to policy and strategic direction, helping define goals and targets as well as evaluating performance. You would also represent Healthwatch Bracknell Forest at key meetings and help influence change in services based on insight reports.
We are looking for people with relevant knowledge and experience and a commitment to want to see better outcomes in health and care for the residents of Bracknell Forest. We particularly welcome applications from those with knowledge and experience in campaigning, grant bidding, marketing, PR and communications, and services for children and families.
It is not just strategic thinking though, you also need to be a team player, a good listener and be able to speak up on issues that you feel are important. In a diverse borough as Bracknell Forest, we encourage applications from all ethnic groups and ages. If you are working, this role could give you useful voluntary experience.
Board Members receive no salary, but expenses are paid. The roles can expand to fill the time you have available. At a minimum, Board Members will be expected to be available 14 hours a month, including a 2-hour board meeting and likely representation on other health and social care boards across Bracknell.